Lesson Learned from Rehabilitation Medicine Point of View for A Male Patient After Total Right Scapulectomy
Main Article Content
Introduction: Chondrosarcoma is a rare cancer about 2 million inhabitants/year. Scapula is the most common location. Total scapulectomy can cause loss of many functions in shoulder movement that affects impaired upper extremity function.
Case Report: A case presentation of 41 years old man, after total right scapulectomy caused by chondrosarcoma. The patient complained of difficulty raising right upper arm, he has limited range of motion in all right shoulder movement. Functional assessment showed disability in overhead activities and affected his vocational as an online driver. Comprehensive rehabilitation program was given. With the overall program in 2 months follow up patient can return to work and do overhead activities with modification.
Conclusion: Rehabilitation can improve the function in patient after scapulectomy, rehabilitation program depends on the type of surgery and muscle remaining.
Keywords: scapulectomy, chondrosarcoma, rehabilitation
Introduction: Chondrosarcoma is a rare cancer about 2 million inhabitants/year. Scapula is the most common location. Total scapulectomy can cause loss of many functions in shoulder movement that affects impaired upper extremity function.
Case Report: A case presentation of 41 years old man, after total right scapulectomy caused by chondrosarcoma. The patient complained of difficulty raising right upper arm, he has limited range of motion in all right shoulder movement. Functional assessment showed disability in overhead activities and affected his vocational as an online driver. Comprehensive rehabilitation program was given. With the overall program in 2 months follow up patient can return to work and do overhead activities with modification.
Conclusion: Rehabilitation can improve the function in patient after scapulectomy, rehabilitation program depends on the type of surgery and muscle remaining.
Keywords: scapulectomy, chondrosarcoma, rehabilitation
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How to Cite
Tertianto Prabowo, Mayang Cendikia Selekta, & Farida Arisanti. (2023). Lesson Learned from Rehabilitation Medicine Point of View for A Male Patient After Total Right Scapulectomy. Indonesian Journal of Physical Medicine and Rehabilitation, 12(02), 138 - 146. https://doi.org/10.36803/indojpmr.v12i02.330
Case Report
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10.Vitale KC, Jimenez. Rehabilitation After Scapulectomy. Am J Physical Medicine Rehabilitation. 2009. 88:267–271.
11.Uematsu A, Brower TD, Winter WG. Scapulectomy for the treatment of malignant tumors of the scapula. South Med Journal 1979;72:4 –7.
12.Julian fromm, Alexander klein, Andrea Baur, Thomas et all. Survival and prognostic factors in conventional G1 chondrosarcoma. World Journal of Surgical Oncology. 2019.
2.Paine RM, Voight ML. The role of the scapula. J Orthop Sports Phys Ther. 1993;18:386-391.
3.Karen A. Boehme, Sabine B. Schleicher, Frank Traub, Bernd Rolauffs, Chondrosarcoma: A Rare Misfortune in Aging Human Cartilage? The Role of Stem and Progenitor Cells in Proliferation, Malignant Degeneration and Therapeutic Resistance. International Journal Molecullar Science. 2018;19;311.
4.Ninna Aggerholm- Pedersen, Katja Maretty-Nielsen, Steen Baerentzen, Peter Holmberg Jorgensen, et al. Chondrosarcoma: the impact of comorbidity – 30 years of experience from a population-based database including 199 consecutive chondrosarcoma patients. Orthopedic Research and Reviews. 2019.
5.Yvonne de Jong, Martha Ingola, Inge H. Briaire-de Bruijn, Alwine B. Kruisselbrink, Sanne Venneker, Ieva Palubeckaite et all. Radiotherapy resistance in chondrosarcoma cells; a possible correlation with alterations in cell cycle related genes. Clincal sarcoma research. 2019.
6.Malawer M, Wittig JC: Overview of resections around the shoulder girdle resections: Anatomy, surgical considerations and
classification, in Malawer M, Sugarbaker P (eds): Musculoskeletal Cancer Surgery: Treatment of Sarcomas and Allied Diseases.
Lancaster, England, Kluwer Academic Publishers, 2001, pp 179 – 202;4.
7.M.J. El Mekkaoui, M. Mahfoud, A. El Bardouni, M.S. Berrada, M. El Yaacoubi. The role of scapulectomy in
the care of the scapular tumors: a report of 6 cases. Rev esp cir ortop traumatol. 2011;55(2):116-119.
8.Donald Neumann, Kinesiology of musculoskeletal system foundations for rehabilitation. Second edition. Missouri. Elsevier. 2010.
9.Abhinav Karan. The art of med. https://theartofmed.wordpress.com/2015/06/01/scapula/. Accesed December 18, 2020.
10.Vitale KC, Jimenez. Rehabilitation After Scapulectomy. Am J Physical Medicine Rehabilitation. 2009. 88:267–271.
11.Uematsu A, Brower TD, Winter WG. Scapulectomy for the treatment of malignant tumors of the scapula. South Med Journal 1979;72:4 –7.
12.Julian fromm, Alexander klein, Andrea Baur, Thomas et all. Survival and prognostic factors in conventional G1 chondrosarcoma. World Journal of Surgical Oncology. 2019.