Cases, Prevalence and Treatment of Low Back Pain at Bandung Pain Rehab

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Theresia CT Novy
Grace Fonda
Andrew Suwadi


Background: Low back pain (LBP) is one of the pain complaints that affects almost every aspect of a person's life, urging many patients to come for treatment. The incidence of LBP in Indonesia is estimated between 7,6% and 37%, but it is still precisely unknown. A clinician must be able to make an accurate diagnosis to treat patients according to the etiology. In this study, we aim to determine the distribution of prevalence, demographic data, and the success of LBP treatment in order to help clinicians in management of LBP to reduce the global burden.
Methods: This was a descriptive analytic study with a cross-sectional design. This research was conducted at the Bandung Pain Rehab Center (BPRC) clinic from July 2019 to December 2021. We included all patients complaining of low back pain who came for treatment at the BPRC. The data of this study were taken from medical records. The success of therapy in the interventional pain management (IPM) and non-IPM groups was assessed by comparing the VAS values before and after treatment. Statistical analysis was performed using the IBM SPSS Statistics 23 program with the Wilcoxon test.
Results: Of the 704 patients, the majority were female (59,2%), aged 51-60 years (23,6%), with obese body mass index (54,4%), and worked as housewives (35,5%). The most common etiology of LBP was piriformis syndrome (50,9%), followed by sacroiliac joint arthropathy (18,5%) and lumbar radiculopathy (14,8%). In the IPM and non-IPM groups, there was a significant decrease in pain intensity after therapy (p <0,001).
Conclusion: Our research shows that LBP is most common at the age of 51-60 years, female gender, with a body mass index classified as obese, and working as a housewife. Piriformis syndrome is the most common prevalent etiology of LBP. The use of therapy in both IPM and non-IPM showed significant improvements in alleviating pain experienced by the patients.
Keywords: Low back pain, case, prevalence, IPM, non-IPM, VAS score

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How to Cite
Novy, T. C., Grace Fonda, & Andrew Suwadi. (2023). Cases, Prevalence and Treatment of Low Back Pain at Bandung Pain Rehab. Indonesian Journal of Physical Medicine and Rehabilitation, 12(01), 52 - 60.
Original Article
Author Biographies

Theresia CT Novy, Bandung Pain Rehab Center

Department of Physical Medicine and Rehabilitation, Bandung Pain Rehab Center, Bandung, Indonesia

Grace Fonda, Bandung Pain Rehab Center

Medical Doctor, Bandung Pain Rehab Center, Bandung, Indonesia

Andrew Suwadi, Bandung Pain Rehab Center

Medical Doctor, Bandung Pain Rehab Center, Bandung, Indonesia


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