Functional Breathing and Approaches in Pulmonary Rehabilitation: A Literature Review
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Pulmonary rehabilitation is a multidisciplinary approach to improving individuals' quality of life and functional capacity with chronic respiratory diseases. Functional breathing exercises are essential to pulmonary rehabilitation programs, focusing on coordinating respiratory and postural mechanisms to optimize gas exchange, reduce dyspnea, and improve exercise tolerance. This paper discusses the importance of functional breathing exercises in pulmonary rehabilitation and outlines the fundamental principles and techniques used in their implementation.
Keywords: Pulmonary rehabilitation, Functional breathing, Chronic respiratory diseases, Exercise tolerance, Dyspnea, Gas exchange.
Keywords: Pulmonary rehabilitation, Functional breathing, Chronic respiratory diseases, Exercise tolerance, Dyspnea, Gas exchange.
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How to Cite
Widjanantie, S. C., Verial Attamimy, & Putu Duhita Ayuningtyas W. (2024). Functional Breathing and Approaches in Pulmonary Rehabilitation: A Literature Review. Indonesian Journal of Physical Medicine and Rehabilitation, 13(01), 74 - 86.
Literature Review

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33. Nield, M. A., Hoo, G. W. S., Roper, J. M. & Santiago, S. Efficacy of pursed-lips breathing: a breathing pattern retraining strategy for dyspnea reduction. J. Cardiopulm. Rehabil. Prev. 27, 237–244 (2007).
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2. Respiratory Medicine. (European Respiratory Society, Sheffield, 2019).
3. Sharma, B. & Singh, V. Pulmonary rehabilitation: An overview. Lung India 28, 276 (2011).
4. Pietranis, K. A. et al. Effects of Pulmonary Rehabilitation on Respiratory Function and Thickness of the Diaphragm in Patients with Post-COVID-19 Syndrome: A Randomized Clinical Trial. J. Clin. Med. 13, 425 (2024).
5. Shenoy, M. A. Pulmonary Rehabilitation. (StatPearls{Internet}, 2024).
6. Holland, A. E. et al. Defining modern pulmonary rehabilitation. An official American Thoracic Society workshop report. Ann. Am. Thorac. Soc. 18, e12–e29 (2021).
7. Cazorla, S., Busegnies, Y., D’Ans, P., Héritier, M. & Poncin, W. Breathing Control Exercises Delivered in a Group Setting for Patients with Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease: A Randomized Controlled Trial. (2023).
8. Schroff, P. et al. Pulmonary rehabilitation improves outcomes in chronic obstructive pulmonary disease independent of disease burden. Ann. Am. Thorac. Soc. 14, 26–32 (2017).
9. Crisafulli, E. & Clini, E. M. Measures of dyspnea in pulmonary rehabilitation. Multidiscip. Respir. Med. 5, 1–9 (2010).
10. Wouters, E. F. et al. An update on pulmonary rehabilitation techniques for patients with chronic obstructive pulmonary disease. Expert Rev. Respir. Med. 14, 149–161 (2020).
11. Wadell, K. et al. Impact of pulmonary rehabilitation on the major dimensions of dyspnea in COPD. COPD J. Chronic Obstr. Pulm. Dis. 10, 425–435 (2013).
12. Hamasaki, H. Effects of Diaphragmatic Breathing on Health: A Narrative Review. Medicines 7, 65 (2020).
14. Upper Airway Disorders and Noninvasive Mechanical Ventilation: Rationale and Approaches. (Springer International Publishing, Cham, 2023). doi:10.1007/978-3-031-32487-1.
15. Cancelliero-Gaiad, K. M., Ike, D., Pantoni, C. B., Borghi-Silva, A. & Costa, D. Respiratory pattern of diaphragmatic breathing and pilates breathing in COPD subjects. Braz. J. Phys. Ther. 18, 291–299 (2014).
16. Cao, Y., Li, P., Wang, Y., Liu, X. & Wu, W. Diaphragm Dysfunction and Rehabilitation Strategy in Patients With Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease. Front. Physiol. 13, 872277 (2022).
18. Sikora, M. et al. Influence of the breathing pattern on the pulmonary function of endurance-trained athletes. Sci. Rep. 14, 1113 (2024).
19. Albarrati, A., Zafar, H., Alghadir, A. H. & Anwer, S. Effect of upright and slouched sitting postures on the respiratory muscle strength in healthy young males. BioMed Res. Int. 2018, (2018).
20. Chandra Widjanantie, S. Pandemi COVID-19 & Rehabilitasi Respirasi. (Litera Media Tama).
21. Depiazzi, J. & Everard, M. L. Dysfunctional breathing and reaching one’s physiological limit as causes of exercise-induced dyspnoea. Breathe 12, 120–129 (2016).
22. Lu, Y. et al. Effects of Home-Based Breathing Exercises in Subjects With COPD. Respir. Care 65, 377–387 (2020).
23. Chang, Q., Liu, R. & Shen, Z. Effects of slow breathing rate on blood pressure and heart rate variabilities. Int. J. Cardiol. 169, e6–e8 (2013).
24. Jerath, R., Crawford, M. W., Barnes, V. A. & Harden, K. Self-regulation of breathing as a primary treatment for anxiety. Appl. Psychophysiol. Biofeedback 40, 107–115 (2015).
25. Yong, M.-S., Lee, H.-Y. & Lee, Y.-S. Effects of diaphragm breathing exercise and feedback breathing exercise on pulmonary function in healthy adults. J. Phys. Ther. Sci. 29, 85–87 (2017).
26. Kocjan, J., Adamek, M., Gzik-Zroska, B., Czyżewski, D. & Rydel, M. Network of breathing. Multifunctional role of the diaphragm: a review. Adv. Respir. Med. 85, 224–232 (2017).
27. Lee, H.-Y., Cheon, S.-H. & Yong, M.-S. Effect of diaphragm breathing exercise applied on the basis of overload principle. J. Phys. Ther. Sci. 29, 1054–1056 (2017).
28. Sakhaei, S., Sadagheyani, H. E., Zinalpoor, S., Markani, A. K. & Motaarefi, H. The impact of pursed-lips breathing maneuver on cardiac, respiratory, and oxygenation parameters in COPD patients. Open Access Maced. J. Med. Sci. 6, 1851 (2018).
29. Araujo, C., Karloh, M., Reis, C., PalÃo, M. & Mayer, A. Pursed-lips breathing reduces dynamic hyperinflation induced by activities of daily living test in patients with chronic obstructive pulmonary disease: A randomized cross-over study. J. Rehabil. Med. 47, 957–962 (2015).
30. Zhang, W. & Mehta, A. The historical perspective on pursed lip breathing exercises and its role in pulmonary rehabilitation programs. Med. Res. Arch. 6, (2018).
31. Mendes, L. P. et al. Effects of Diaphragmatic Breathing With and Without Pursed-Lips Breathing in Subjects With COPD. Respir. Care 64, 136–144 (2019).
32. Cabral, L. F., D’Elia, T. C., Marins, D., Zin, W. A. & Guimarães, F. S. Pursed lip breathing improves exercise tolerance in COPD: a randomized crossover study. Eur J Phys Rehabil Med 51, 79–88 (2015).
33. Nield, M. A., Hoo, G. W. S., Roper, J. M. & Santiago, S. Efficacy of pursed-lips breathing: a breathing pattern retraining strategy for dyspnea reduction. J. Cardiopulm. Rehabil. Prev. 27, 237–244 (2007).
34. Norweg, A. et al. Capnography-assisted learned, monitored (CALM) breathing therapy for dysfunctional breathing in COPD: A bridge to pulmonary rehabilitation. Contemp. Clin. Trials 134, 107340 (2023).
35. Higashino, M., Miyata, K. & Kudo, K. Coordination dynamics of thoracic and abdominal movements during voluntary breathing. Sci. Rep. 12, 13266 (2022).
36. Espinoza-Bravo, C. et al. Effectiveness of Functional or Aerobic Exercise Combined With Breathing Techniques in Telerehabilitation for Patients With Long COVID: A Randomized Controlled Trial. Phys. Ther. 103, pzad118 (2023).
37. Ni, Y., Yu, Y., Dai, R. & Shi, G. Diffusing capacity in chronic obstructive pulmonary disease assessment: A meta-analysis. Chron. Respir. Dis. 18, 14799731211056340 (2021).
38. Prieur, G. et al. Energy conservation technique improves dyspnoea when patients with severe COPD climb stairs: a randomised crossover study. Thorax 75, 510–512 (2020).