Validity and Reliability of the Indonesian Version of Anterior Knee Pain Scale in Measuring Functional Limitations of Army Soldiers with Anterior Knee Pain

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Ricky Fakhrazi Susmex
Tirza Z Tamin
Fitri Anestherita
Dewi Friska


Introduction: Anterior knee pain (AKP), also referred as patellofemoral pain, commonly affects physically active individuals. The underreporting of AKP in the military necessitates the need for reliable clinical outcome evaluation instruments, especially for military personnel. The Anterior Knee Pain Scale (AKPS) or Kujala Score is an instrument devised for assessing functional limitations in AKP sufferers. AKPS has been proven to be valid and reliable in Bahasa Indonesia for assessing functional limitations in patients with patellofemoral pain syndrome. This study aims to test the validity and reliability of the Indonesian version of AKPS in measuring functional limitations of Army soldiers suffering from AKP.
Methods: Cross-sectional study, validity assessment using Pearson correlation and reliability testing by assessing internal consistency and test-retest reliability. A total of 34 male soldiers with AKP who fulfilled the inclusion and exclusion criteria. Subjects provided informed consent, underwent history taking and physical examination, then completed the AKPS. Three day interval for test-retest.
Results: Correlation coefficient range: 0.423-0.779, overall Cronbach's alpha: 0.806, ICC: 0.993 at 95% confidence level, p<0.05.
Conclusion: The Indonesian version of the AKPS was valid and reliable for assessing functional limitations in Army soldiers with anterior knee pain.
Keywords: Kujala score, AKPS, patellofemoral pain.

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How to Cite
Susmex, R. F., Tamin, T. Z., Anestherita, F., & Friska, D. (2024). Validity and Reliability of the Indonesian Version of Anterior Knee Pain Scale in Measuring Functional Limitations of Army Soldiers with Anterior Knee Pain. Indonesian Journal of Physical Medicine and Rehabilitation, 13(2), 115 - 128.
Original Article
Author Biographies

Ricky Fakhrazi Susmex, Faculty of Medicine Universitas Indonesia

Department of Physical Medicine and Rehabilitation, Faculty of Medicine Universitas Indonesia

Tirza Z Tamin, Departement Of Physical Medicine and Rehabilitation

Faculty Of Medicine, Universitas Indonesia, Jakarta

Fitri Anestherita, Departement Of Physical Medicine and Rehabilitation

Faculty Of Medicine, Universitas Indonesia, Jakarta

Dewi Friska, Departement Of Community Medicine

Faculty Of Medicine, Universitas Indonesia, Jakarta


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